MTG - Booster Box - Collector Booster - Kaldheim - FR

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Contains 12 Kaldheim Edition Collector's Boosters

Magic the Gathering - MTG - Booster Box - Collector Booster - Kaldheim - FR - Wizards of the Coast

Contains 12 Kaldheim Edition Collector's Boosters
The Kaldheim Collector's Booster contains 11 traditional Premium cards (plus a double-sided Premium token), five special alternate frame cards, and a combination of 5 rare/mythic rares.
1 Saga Rare – A Kaldheim themed rare card not found in draft boosters, or one of the rares or mythic rares in Kaldheim Commander decks.
1 Premium Basic Snowy Terrain – Each Collector Booster contains a Premium Basic Snowy Terrain. There are 10 different basic snow terrains (2 plains, 2 islands, 2 swamps, 2 mountains and 2 forests) available here. Daniel Holt talks to us about the design of this new snow frame:
“When we decided to design an expansion in which there would be snow, especially a Viking-inspired world, it was only natural to emphasize the snowy aspect. In the history of Magic we have already played in the snow several times. We decided that the game would flow more smoothly if we could count snow permanents at a quick glance, the same way we tell artifacts and enchantment creatures. I focused on creating a concept that maintained the color identity while keeping the “snowy” side of the atmosphere. »
1 Expanded Art Card – One of 36 Expanded Art Rares and 4 Expanded Art Mythic Rares. Each rare appears twice as often as each of the mythic rares.
1 rare or mythic rare card – This slot features the 64 rares and 20 mythic rares that you can find in the main Kaldheim expansion (so you won't find Commander cards or the Kaldheim themed rares here).
1 Uncommon Non-Premium Card and 1 Premium Showcase – These can be 12 different legendary cards, each with the Viking Showcase frame.
1 rare or mythic rare card with a Showcase frame or borderless and alternate art – In addition to a sublime new frame, each Showcase and borderless card features new art that is specially designed to highlight Kaldheim and matches with Showcase and Borderless styles. There are 18 rares and 16 mythic rares. Two of the mythic rares in Kaldheim have both a Showcase and Booster Fun frame variant. The combination of the two treatments of these cards appears with the same frequency as other mythic rares in the expansion.
1 Premium rare or mythic rare card with a Showcase frame, borderless or with extended art – Your collector booster experience concludes in the best way with the best. Here you'll find a Booster Fun treatment that captures everything great about Kaldheim in a traditional Premium version! 54 rare cards and 20 mythic rares are available in this slot. One of these cards has a Showcase treatment that I can't show you yet!

Wizards of the Coast
Magic the Gathering
Magic The Gathering
Type of product
Boite de Booster / Display

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Grades - Product condition
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  Near Mint - Near Mint (NM)

The card is in excellent condition with almost no visible scratches or damage. The edges of the card are clean and scuff free. Card surfaces are free of creases or discolorations.

  Excellent Condition - Lightly Played (LP)

The card has slight damage such as scratches or chipped corners, but remains in very good condition. The edges of the card may show slight scuffs or wear marks. The surface of the card may have a few small scratches or blemishes, but nothing too noticeable. Illustrations and text may show slight wear, but are still perfectly legible and visible.

  Good Condition - Moderately Played (MP)

The card has suffered more damage such as deep scratches or chipped corners, but is still playable. The edges of the card have more noticeable scuffs and wear marks. The surface of the card may have creases, deep scratches or discoloration. Artwork and text may show moderate wear, but are generally still legible and visible.

  Poor Condition - Heavily Played (HP)

The map has suffered extensive damage such as scratches, dented corners and major damage, and is no longer considered to be in collectible condition. Edges of card have heavy scuffs and wear marks. The surface of the card may show severe creases, tears, stains or discolorations. Illustrations and text may be difficult to read or view due to considerable wear.