33,00 €
5 card boosters in French
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Yu Gi Oh! - Booster - Legendary Battles: Revenge of the Crystal - FR - Konami
The Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge* booster pack introduces new, never-before-seen cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series. ranging from the original series to Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS! Duelists who have built a Deck with the Harlequin Knight from King's Court and the Three Musketeers trick cards will finally be able to incorporate Yugi's Royal Straight Slasher from the final of the Grand Championship arc into their strategy! The Three Musketeers trick cards are one of the strategies available in the new Rivalry of Warlords Organized Play format, so duelists interested in learning the basics of the Deck before the new cards are released will need to research this type of event at their local OTS or YCS event. Moving from the original series to Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, Duelists will also be able to build another Deck powered by Ignis! This time it's the Earth-type Ignis deck, a strategy based on Earth-type Cyberse link monsters that link together to form an impenetrable wall. In addition to a wide range of new cards, Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge will give Duelists another chance to acquire select old cards. Each 5-card booster contains 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare
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The card has slight damage such as scratches or chipped corners, but remains in very good condition. The edges of the card may show slight scuffs or wear marks. The surface of the card may have a few small scratches or blemishes, but nothing too noticeable. Illustrations and text may show slight wear, but are still perfectly legible and visible.
The card has suffered more damage such as deep scratches or chipped corners, but is still playable. The edges of the card have more noticeable scuffs and wear marks. The surface of the card may have creases, deep scratches or discoloration. Artwork and text may show moderate wear, but are generally still legible and visible.
The map has suffered extensive damage such as scratches, dented corners and major damage, and is no longer considered to be in collectible condition. Edges of card have heavy scuffs and wear marks. The surface of the card may show severe creases, tears, stains or discolorations. Illustrations and text may be difficult to read or view due to considerable wear.